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Meet, Blackder

Platform to generate AI content..

With its meticulous design, breathtaking speed and opinionated yet flexible workflows, Blackder unlocks AI full potential. It is the tool of choice for high-performance teams to create content better.

Our Token

$BLD plays a key role in our growing ecosystem. Unlike our non crypto-native competitors, the token allows global users to easily access pay-walled features.

Additional utilities

The token will be given additional utilities as we build out our ecosystem and launch new product verticals in the field of consumer AI.

Breathtakingly fast contract

Trusted contract with
security audit.

Our token

Designed to maintain the project, as well as access to the early functionality of the project.

Tokenomics More About $BLD

    Additional resources

    Read more about our token.

    More About $BLD




    • Raycast icon
      5% Buy Tax
    • icon
      5% Sell Tax

    100 Million

    $BLD Total Supply

    • 10 Million Staking
    • 90 Million Locked Liquid Pool
    • 100 Million Locked Liq locked with Unicrypt for 6 month

    Meet, Blackder

    Latest AI technology. Discover the latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence technology.

    Edit AI text easily. Try it now and see the difference it can make to your content.

    More than +25 languages. Get the help you need, no matter what language you speak.

    Export results in PDF & Word. Export your results in PDF and Word format with ease.

    2FA account protection. Protect your accounts with ease and keep your data safe.

    Generate AI images. Discover how to create stunning AI images with text.

    Our Partners

    Be among the many that trust us

    Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch.

    Blackder Templates

    A lot of AI templates that will allow you generate any text within seconds

    Subscription Plans

    Subscribe to our subscription plans and enjoy ton of benefits.

    FreeFree for everyone
    Words Included: 1,000
    Images Included: 100
    All Blackder Templates
    Generate AI images
    1000 BLD per user/month
    Best for 1-50 users
    Monthly billing only
    Everything in Free, plus…
    Unlimited words included
    Plus1000 BLD per user/month
    Best for 50+ users
    Annual billing only
    Everything in Standard, plus…
    Unlimited images included
    Export results in PDF & Word

    Social Media

    Read our unique social media about various data archiving solutions and secrets